Thursday, February 24, 2011

Googles new competition

Google has made a new competitive event that is, Google science fair The competition is open to students aged 13 to 18 from around the world working on their own or in a team of two or three 


There will be 3 finalist winners, one in each age category 13-14, 15-16, 17-18. One of of the 3 finalist winners will be selected as the Grand Prize winner.

The Grand Prize

A National Geographic Expedition

The Grand PrizeThe Grand Prize winner(s) plus one parent or guardian per winner will win an amazing 10 day trip to the Galapagos Islands with National Geographic Expeditions. Traveling aboard the National Geographic Endeavour the winner(s) will visit Darwin's living laboratory and experience up-close encounters with unique species such as flightless cormorants, marine iguanas, and domed giant tortoises.
Google will cover the cost of Economy Class flights to the Galapagos from the winner’s home. The prize is valid for one year from 11 July 2011 and must be booked directly via National Geographic expeditions. The prize does not included items of a personal nature such as internet usage, laundry or spa services. Bookings are subject to availability.

A Scholarship from Google

A $50,000 scholarship, split equally between team members should a team win this prize. This scholarship is intended to be used towards the finalists’ further education.

A Once in a Lifetime Experience

The Grand Prize winner will have first choice of an experience at one of the following partner organizations:
CERN, Google, the LEGO Group, or Scientific American. Learn more.

A Personalised LEGO Prize

  • A personal LEGO color mosaic (one for each team member, to build her/himself) and 1 personal, exclusive LEGO box - specially made for the occasion

A package from Scientific American

  • Digital Access to Scientific American Archives for your school
  • Digital access for the finalists' schools for a year. This prize is valid up to 12 months from winning the prize on 11 July 2011.

Finalist Winner Prizes

A Scholarship from Google

A $25,000 scholarship, split equally between team members should a team win this prize. This scholarship is intended to be used towards the finalists’ further education.

A Once in a Lifetime Experience

The Finalists will have second and third choice by random selection of one of the remaining experiences at one of the following partner organizations: CERN, Google, the LEGO Group, or Scientific American. 

A Personalised LEGO Prize

A personal LEGO color mosaic (one for each team member, to build her/himself) and 1 personal, exclusive LEGO box - specially made for the occasion

Digital Access to Scientific American archives for their school

Digital access for the finalists' schools for a year. This prize is valid up to 12 months from winning the prize on 11 July 2011.

All 15 Finalists will also receive:

A LEGO Goodie Bag including:

  • 2 - 4 HiTechnic sensors (endorsed 3rd party accessory sensors - totalling 10 different sensors!)
  • 1 Codatex RFID sensor with tags (endorsed 3rd party sensors)
  • 1 LEGO TECHNIC set (highest pricepoint in 2011 1HY assortment)

A Google Goodie Bag including:

  • A Google Chrome Notebook
  • An Android phone

Scientific American subscription

  • A subscription to Scientific American magazine for 12 months.

Peoples Choice Award Prize

A Scholarship from Google

A $10,000 scholarship, split equally between team members should a team win this prize. This scholarship is intended to be used towards the finalists’ further education.

Prize Experiences


CERNCERN will offer the Grand Prize or Finalist winner(s) (plus a guardian if necessary) the opportunity to spend 3 days at CERN in Geneva, Switzerland. The winner(s) will have the opportunity to visit the labs and some of the experimental areas (depending on the chosen period, some areas may be inaccessible), take part in shifts in the LHC experiments' Control Rooms, and experience science in the making, by taking an active role as an apprentice physicist. This internship is valid for one year from winning the prize on 11 July 2011. To participate in this internship the winner must be 14 years or older.


GoogleGoogle will offer the Grand Prize or finalist winner(s)(plus a guardian if necessary) the opportunity to spend three days at the Google research site in Zurich where they will be able to take part in a tour, workshops and get involved in some hands-on work. This experience is valid for one year from winning the prize on 11 July 2011

LEGO Virtual Internship

LegoThe LEGO Group will offer the Grand Prize or Finalist winner(s) a Virtual Internship for one year from 11 July 2011 with the LEGO MINDSTORMS R&D team. The winner(s) will have the chance to participate in future development and take part in the innovation process, thereby putting their mark and literally get their name(s) on new products.

Scientific American

Scientific AmericanScientific American will offer the Grand Prize or Finalist winner(s) (plus a guardian if necessary) the opportunity to spend three days at the New York office of SA where they will be given a bird’s eye view on how the magazine is put together from the story pitch stage through the editing process. The winner will participate in staff meetings, be involved in the editorial process and have the opportunity to shadow Editor in Chief Mariette DiChristina. This experience is valid for one year from winning the prize on 11 July 2011.
                                           Enter this competition by clicking the link                                                                         


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